Yesterday my son Will turned eight. It seems impossible that he could be eight years old. He is a really wonderful, kind, gentle, curious, smart kid. His big birthday gift was a robotic, interactive remote control dinosaur. This dinosaur has sensors on it and if you touch it's head it tries to bite you. Will discovered this early this morning and didn't tell anyone, so one by one we all walked into the trap. Every time the toy tried to bite someone they would scream and Will would laugh hysterically. He laughed so hard he said his diaphragm hurt. Will is fascinated with the human body which is a little strange. Last year in second grade the kids had to find ten examples of things that come in pairs from around their house. At the top of Wills list were corneas and kidneys. I don't remember exactly when I found out what a cornea was but I'm pretty sure it was in high school. I get unmeasurable pleasure just watching Will be Will. I am unbelievably happy just to be his mom.
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Well said.
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